Magdalena Miernik’s Painting Exhibition 14th January 2011, 18:00
Magdalena Miernik
Born in 1971 in Kielce. She graduated from the Higher School of Pedagogy of Kielce, majoring in Biology. Then she completed an academic programme in Painting at the Academy of Fine Art in Cracow. She studied in art studios of Prof. A. Brincken and Prof. J. Waltoś and at the Faculty of Graphics in an art studios of Prof. A. Pietsch – at an intaglio printing studio and Prof. R. Banaszewski at a book printing and typography studio. She was awarded a diploma in easel painting in an art studio of Prof. G. Bednarski in 2001. Since 2001, she has been an academic teacher at the Institute of School Education within the The Jan Kochanowski University of Humanities and Sciences of Kielce. In 2010, she defended a doctoral thesis entitled Natural Quotations under supervision of Prof. Małgorzata Bielecka. In the course of her work at the University, she published a few papers, including Deliberations on Inspiration, Beauty?, Nature in Visual Arts – a historical outline. She had a dozen or so individual and collective exhibitions. She takes part in plein-air workshops.
Selected individual exhibitions
2001 Painting Exhibition at The Tadeusz Zieliński Palace – Artists’ House, Kielce
2003 Painting and Drawing Exhibition at Łaźnia Artists’ Club Radom;
2004 Painting and Drawing Exhibition A Moment of Strange Inspiration at WINDA Modern Art Gallery, Cultural Centre of Kielce;
2006 Individual Painting and Drawing Exhibition at The Wolf Popper Synagogue Old Town Youth Culture Centre, Cracow.
2008 Individual Painting Exhibition at the Gallery of Association of Polish Visual Artists, Kielce;
2009 September, Individual Exhibition at the Gallery of Industrial Development Agency at the castle in Krasiczyn
2007 Painting and Drawing Exhibition after Plein Air Paint Out at the Marshall’s Office, Opole
2008 – Exhibition of the Archipelago Group at Kazimierzowski Castle, Przemyśl.
Relation Exhibitions