Hubert Bujak’s painting and sculpture exhibition Opening 30 January 2015, at 7.30 pm
The title of the exhibition: Stored images
Project description
The project comprises a series of paintings and spatial forms representing, apart from childhood memories shown in a form bringing to mind the lives of savage, primitive people, motifs, symbols and elements taken from the culture. A savage is a central figure of a number of works and an exponent of unconscious, which corresponds with a view that a savage, primitive man symbolizes an archetypal shadow, a hidden side of personality.
The purpose of the project is, among other things, an attempt at answering a question whether and how much active the so called collective unconscious is and whether the images that I evoke are already present in each and every of us to some extent. Carl Gustav Jung’s discovery of the deep structure of the psyche, termed as the archetype, contains truths about essential patterns of behaviour, thinking and experiencing. Jung called it collective unconscious. I think that my creative work is, to a large extent, about searching and depicting images belonging to that sphere.
HUBERT BUJAK, born in 1980. IN 2005 – 2010, he studied at the E. Geppert Fine Arts Academy in Wrocław, at the Faculty of Painting and Sculpture. IN 2010, he received a graduation diploma with distinction. He is engaged in painting and sculpture. He lives and works in Wrocław.
Selected individual exhibitions:
2014 Camera obscura, Burghers’ Brewery, Wrocław
2014 Votive Offerings, Neon Gallery, Centre for Innovations, Fine Arts Academy Wrocław
2013 Footnotes, Stolarnia Gallery, Institute of Art History, Wrocław University, Wrocław
2013 Human-Plant-Animal, Piwnice BWA Kielce Art Gallery
2012 The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner, Woliery vol. 4, Museum of Contemporary Art, Wrocław
2010 In Search for a Structure, Diploma Project Exhibition, BWA Awangarda, Wrocław
2009 Dreaming, Impart Art Centre, Wrocław
2009 Painting and Sculpture, CK Agora, Gallery, Wrocław
Selected collective exhibitions:
2014 3rd Painting Triennial, Animalis, MM Gallery, Chorzów
2014 2nd Biennial in Wenecja Cieszyńska, Książnica Cieszyńska, Cieszyn
2014 Form and Colour, Museum of Architecture, Wrocław
2014 Correlations, Small Arsenal Gallery, Gdańsk
2014 2nd Art Biennial Human’s End, ODA Gallery, Piotrków Trybunalski
2013 Portas Abertas, exhibition of the project Eugénio de Almeida, Palácio da Inquisição, Évora,Portugal
2013 Three Dimensions, Contemporary Sculpture Museum, Orońsko
2013 Only, Solely, Always, Museum of Architecture, Wrocław
2012 Post-contest painting exhibition, The F. Eibisch Contest, K. Napiórkowska’s Gallery, Warszawa
2012 Open Space, exhibition of young sculptors of Wrocław, ul. Staromłyńska 4, Wrocław
2012 Post-contest painting exhibition review of young artists’ art Untouchable, held as part of Mediations Biennale, Gallery Store, Poznań
2010 The Best Diploma Projects 2010 Fine Arts Academy, nationwide exhibition, Subsidiary of the National Museum, Zielona Brama, Gdańsk
Selected achievements:
2014 2nd prize in the 3rd nationwide painting triennial Animalis, MM Art Gallery, Chorzów
2012 Honorary mention in a nationwide painting contest organised by the Franciszka Eibisch Foundation, Warsaw
2012 Distinction in the Untouchable contest, Mediations Biennale, Gallery Store, Poznań
2010 Award for an outstanding graduation diploma project, Rector of Fine Arts Academy, Wrocław
2010-2009/2008-2007 A scholarship of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage
2010-2009 An art scholarship of the Mayor of Wrocław
Relation Exhibitions