GRUPPA ĆMIELOWSKA vernissage 07/09/2007 19.00 Hours
Title of the exhibition: In Porcelain Store
vernissage 07/09/2007 19.00 Hours
At a vernissage, Letko band will play on stage, and this performance will be complemented with multimedia visualisations.
A film RECORDING OF THE MEMORY – ĆMIELÓW 2005 will be screened as well. It is a mockumentary of a studio performance called Recording of the Memory held in the Ćmielów Porcelain Manufacturing Works in Ćmielów in 2005. The performance was about recording an artist’s current state of mind through an intuitive dance on a band of fictile porcelain mass. The film, together with a porcelain relief, which does not exist any longer (as it was destroyed by a bad witch), but which was recorded, is a part of a Wojciech Stanisław Skowronek diploma cycle. The film was recorded in hall TG1, and the temperature inside it was about 60°C at the time of recording. A porcelain sculpture was later made based on the video recording.
Wojciech Skowronek will stage a performance Mandala during the vernissage. The eponymous mandala will be arranged from porcelain elements – manually impressed handprints.
Gruppa Ćmielowska!!!
This is the working name we assumed, as we are stuck together by the place of Ćmielów and porcelain.
We all took advantage of hospitality of The Ćmielów Porcelain Manufacturing Works in Ćmielów and carried out our projects there. Apart from that, we come from different places in Europe (Poland, Slovakia), we studied at different universities of fine arts, although majority of us met at The Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław. Thanks to this exhibition, visitors will take an opportunity to see usable and unique objects made of porcelain.
Martin Muranica http://www.muranica.com/
deals with artistic and utility glass articles, sculpture and land art,
born on 07/08/1980 in Bratislava.
completed studies at the Academy of Arts and Design in Bratisava, the Faculty of Sculpture, Ceramics and Glass, Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław.
Wojciech Stanisław Skowronek http://www.skowronek.biz/
born on 9th April 1979 in Tomaszów Lubelski.
A ceramics designer, performer, dancer, cultural animator. He survived shocking studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław and Lvov. Earned a degree in ceramic design under Prof. Grażyna Płocica’s guidance and in visual activities and structures under Prof. Ryszard Jędroś’s guidance.
Eliza Rajsz
Born on 17/05/1978 in Lublin,
a graduate from the Faculty of Ceramics and Glass at the Wrocław Academy of Fine Arts. She defended a diploma in 2004.
Mariusz Woliński
Chief Designer at the Ćmielów Porcelain Manufacturing Works in Ćmielów.
Marta Maria Miara www.martamiara.abc.pl
Born on 19/07/1980. Deals with in ceramics, artistic glass and design.
In 2005 graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław, the Faculty of Ceramics and Glass. In the meantime, she had been studied at the Faculty of Design Arts at the Lvov Academy of Fine Arts in Ukraine.
The exhibition is on display until 08/10/2007