Dominik Wdowski – Sculpture and drawing exhibition “Body and Soul” May 2020
We invite you to the exhibition of sculpture and drawing by Dominik Wdowski “Body and Soul”.
Dominik Wdowski born July 23, 1979 in Radom. In the years 1994 – 1999 Arts education in secondary schools in Kielce and Radom. 1999 studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw in the department of sculpture. Diploma in sculpture in 2004. In addition to the author’s works since 2000, he receives public contracts on monumental projects, from which the most important are: – Sculptured decoration of the cathedral facade in Radom: monuments of John Paul II and Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, a statue of the Madonna in the main tympanum and reliefs in the lateral tympana (2002 – 2015) – Sculptures in the Concert Philharmonic Hall and Opera in Bialystok (2009 – 2011) – Monument to John Paul II in Rome at Prima Porta (2011)
Represented by Vlask art gallery, Gent, Belgium.
I am a sculptor. I deal with figurative sculpture – according to me it is a topic still not exhausted, full of inspiration. I would like my sculptures to evoke emotions and reflections, to delight with composition, movement, detail, and to reach into the hearts of the audience. I try hard to make it so … And what they are for me? What I know about them for sure is that they are real, because I wouldn’t be able to lie to myself. I am a sculptor. I like to think that about myself. It’s my profession and vocation, and I hope that I will be able to persue it to the rest of my life.
Dominik Wdowski
Contemporary art often shocks, tackles controversial topics or breaks taboos. Artists focus on a sharp, even brutal message, they choose supportive themes to appear in the minds of the recipients. Well, fame is important, audience interest and commercial success as well. However, sometimes I get the impression that this happens at the expense of … a sense of beauty and aesthetics. These fundamental values that are understandable and close to the heart of all art recipients.
Dominik Wdowski works against these artistic trends. For him, the human body is a value in itself. In his figurations, he brings back the memory of beauty, which was once one of the most important determinants of art. His sculptures, drawings realized in traditional sculpting and drawing techniques are not only “classically beautiful”. Captured in expressive poses, deprived of identity, specified by a meaningful title, prop, they carry a huge bag of emotions. They show the essence of humanity: soul through physicality, corporeality: spasm of sculpted muscles, gesture, expression or disability.
I deeply hope that the exhibition by Dominik Wdowski “Body and soul” will move the strings of longing for the perfect, and through its beauty will allow us to learn more about ourselves.
Artur Wijata