3 Dimensions – a vernissage of a Wojciech Fangor exhibition 27th October 2006 19.00 Hours
3 Dimensions displayed in the Lift Art Gallery at the Cultural Centre of Kielce is Wojciech Fangor’s another exhibition, which elaborates on an idea of Exhibition Exhibition presented in the Polish Sculpture Centre in Orońsk (April-May 2005). The project is a continuation of the author’s artistic deliberations over modern culture and a cultural context of art set by new forms and means of communication. The artist addresses an issue of space in a new perspective that determines his artistic strategies. The exhibition is accompanied by a publication resulting from a scientific conference Space in Wojciech Fangor’s Works, which was held in the Polish Sculpture Centre in Orońsk on 22nd May 2005. It comprises texts by Bożena Kowalska, Maria Hussakowska, Mariusz Knorowski, Sławomir Marzec, Mieczysław Szewczuk, Stefan Szydłowski and Jan Stanisław Wojciechowski. The authors analyze works and exhibitions, presenting the issue of space both in theoretical and historical aspect, as well as showing a current meaning of Wojciech Fangor’s works for art.
Stefan Szydłowski
The exhibition is on display until 18th November 2006
Admission free
Relation Exhibitions