Prof. Marian Czapla – Paintings Exhibition 21 May 2010 6 p.m.
Prof. Marian Czapla was born in Gacki nr. Szydłowiec in the Kieleckie region. He is a graduate from the National Secondary School of General Education and Visual Arts (currently the Józef Szermentowski National Complex of Visual Art Schools) and the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (Diploma in 1972), he studied under the supervision of Stefan Gierowski (painting), Halina Chrostowska and Józef Pakulski (graphic arts). He was a co-founder of the artistic group Sympleks S4 (together with A. Bąkowski, Maja Gumińska, Piotr Kasprzak, Janina Kowalewska-Tarnowska, Ryszard Owczarek, Piotr Szemiński and Krzysztof Wachowiak), he is a professor of painting at his home university.
In the difficult postmodern era, he has been able to develop his own style of modern easel painting based on a bright textural colour and sensual figural art. Starting from a cold-and-warm abstraction, always bestowed with a metaphorical title, closely related to European masterly achievements of Nicolas de Staël or Serge Poliakoff in terms of workshop techniques, he developed an individual figural variant of morality painting, which could be well compared to abstract painting of the expressionist Willem de Kooning as far as the form goes, and more comprehensively, taking into account spiritual motivation, to the work of truly religious Catholic and Parisian George Roualt, a carpenter’s son and, like Czapla, an author of numerous non-orthodox, black-contoured, vehement, painterly, passion images of Jesus Christ (including vera icons – true images) and the Madonna.
He had over thirty individual exhibitions and participated in a few dozens collective exhibitions. His works can be found in the collections of the National Museum in Kielce and Szczecin, Regional Museum in Biała Podlaska, Warsaw Archdiocese Museum, the Wrocław University Institute of History of Art, SBWA Gallery and Studio Gallery in Warsaw, Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art (Ithaca, US).
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