exhibition of ceramic art by Iwona and Jerzy Jarmołowicz 4th December 2005 (Sunday) 18.00 Hours
4th December 2005 (Sunday) 18.00 Hours
a vernissage of an exhibition of ceramic art by Iwona and Jerzy Jarmołowicz
An Iwona and Jerzy Jarmołowicz ceramic studio in Lechów at the foot of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains is famous among all the collectors and users of beautiful clay artefacts both in Poland and abroad. Iwona Krawczyńska-Jarmołowicz, a graduate from the Public High School of Visual Arts in Poznań, and Jerzy, a graduate from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, invite us for a trip to the world of colours and forms, and maybe some of their works give you a clue about solving the problem of Christmas gifts…
Admission free