Henryk Cześnik’s Painting Exhibition “Dangerous fun” Exhibition until January 3, 2020
Exhibition until January 3, 2020.
Henryk Cześnik was born on April 12, 1951 in Sopot. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Painting at the PWSSP in Gdańsk. He obtained his diploma there, in the studio of Kazimierz Ostrowski, in 1977. He received the title of associate professor in 1994, and since 2003 he has been a full professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, where he runs a diploma painting workshop at the Faculty of Painting and Graphic Arts. He took part in over one hundred collective and individual exhibitions, in renowned galleries around the world.
The exhibition Dangerous fun consists of works created – for the most part – in the last 15 years. Her exhibition at the Kielce Cultural Center was prepared by the State Art Gallery in Sopot in cooperation with the Zegart Agency.
“Drawing / painting / writing / imaging. This painting from the spirit of drawing – this is probably the easiest way to define the technique, but also the artistic energy of Henryk Cześnik. In his art it is the line that carries the content, meanings and dramatic twists and turns. So Cześnik is an illustrator, but he works more often on canvases than on papers. He likes the momentum and large formats, preferably the size of sheets, for example 200 x 130 cm. Cześnik’s art is entirely on the content, narrative and history side; even if they are fragmentary, broken, discontinuous, they still remain stories. These pictorial narratives have very different sources – probably the most adventures here, memories, heard stories. There are numerous quotes from reality, things seen on the street or on television, but there are also explicit and frequent references to the history of painting, to the history of art.”
Bogusław Deptuła