2010 Kielce City Days 25 czerwca 2010, godz. 19:00
2010 Kielce City Days
Exhibition’s Vernissage on 25th June 2010
GrafikOnA – presentation of the most recent works of Teresa Anna Ślusarek, D.F.A. and Janusz Baran, D.F.A.
The exhibition includes the following cycles:
2D graphics and photos that combine workshop traditions with digital print of neighbouring installations – 3D graphic objects open into the gallery space.
The Vernissage will be accompanied by Signum>Trace>Matter workshops running until 1 o’clock at night.
forms of experimental print with the use of natural moulds.
multigraphic activities with the use of non-conventional printing media.
game, coincidence as a creative element.
creative form of workshops with an active participation of viewers-observers-participants.
Teresa Anna Ślusarek
Janusz Baran
Relation Exhibitions